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Dec 14, 2011

Bath Time Fun

Now that Grant is attempting to eat rice cereal things get pretty messy, so I have increased his bath time to twice a week. He's fascinated with the water and we always have fun playing.


Dec 11, 2011

Grant's First Meal, Sans Bottle

4-Month Checkup

Grant is doing great, as you can see by his growth chart, below.

He is also starting rice cereal this week and has been a real trooper.  He thinks it's fun to have cereal in his mouth and to chew on the spoon.  I'm sure some of it gets down his throat, but it's great he enjoys playing the eating game.

Nov 28, 2011

Big Eyed Cuteness

He was being so adorable with his little blue bunny rattle.  I had to share.

Nov 26, 2011

Thanksgiving in Green Valley


                 Grant spent his first Thanksgiving with his "Greats" in Green Valley. Many thanks to  
                           Bill & Lil, Ruthanna & Don, Susan & Larry and their two daughters for their hospitality 
                           over the holiday. More pictures to come!

Nov 21, 2011

Laughing with Daddy

We finally caught Grant laughing on video yesterday when Nick discovered by accident that dropping a onesie on him just cracked him up.  He laughed for 10 minutes.  He really is a bundle of joy!

updated with an even better video

Nov 18, 2011

Learning to Stand with Daddy

Grant and Daddy are best buds.  They're so cute together when they play.

Laundry and a Happy Baby

Grant just loves spending time with Mommy doing the laundry.  He's such a cheerful little guy.

Nov 16, 2011

Holding the Bottle

Mariana captured Grant holding his bottle in the swing.  He's getting better and better at it.

Helpin' Mom in the Kitchen

I was making French toast with him and couldn't resist taking a picture.  He looks like a little munchkin in his striped footy pajamas and he had fun playing with the spatula.  How did he balance it on his foot?

His Fantastic Feet

He just loves playing with his feet.  It's adorable, but makes hard to keep the socks on.  Good thing it's still mild weather here in Phoenix. These photos are courtesy of Mariana.

Nov 13, 2011

Talkin' in the Bumbo at Dinner

He loves his Bumbo (thanks Grandma Ruth!) and we've been putting him on the dining table so we can have dinner as a family. It works great.  He loves carrying the conversation.

Not a Fan of Mariachi

Grant was napping yesterday and I was watching back episodes of Community online. When a mariachi band began to play, Grant woke up screaming from his nap. It took me 5 minutes to get him to calm down. No more fiestas during the siesta.

Getting Grant Use to His Nursery

Grant is sleeping well enough to start the transition to his nursery. So this weekend we've been playing with him there and he's taking a nap in his crib today. He looks so small!

Nov 11, 2011

It's Hat Weather

Now that the weather has started to cool, Grant gets to try on his many hats.

Nov 1, 2011

Built In Chubby Cheek Support

His cheeks are so chubby and cute now. It's perfect that his car seat belt pads act as support.

Oct 30, 2011

Gerber Baby Audition

Bottle Service

"There's room on this couch for one more, baby."

Polar Bear Fight to the Death

Grant was feeling rambunctious yesterday evening, so to get rid of his energy he fought his buddy, Polar Bear in an all-out wrasslin' match.  Check out these action shots.
Bear begins the tussle by going for the jugular.

 Grant beats him back with his powerful upper body strength.

When the reality of the situation hits home, he experiences a moment of terror.

But regains the upper hand and declares victory.

Emboldened by his win, Grant takes on his next foe, Alien.

Soft Monkey Tail

Mariana caught some candid photos of Grant trying to eat the monkey tail in his sleep.  She said he startled a little in his sleep, reached out and grabbed then monkey tail, then rubbed it on his cheek for several minutes while he slept.  What a funny kid.

Oct 22, 2011

Out on the Town

We were out in downtown Phoenix tonight since it was in only the mid-80s after the sun went down. Grant was having his meal on the go and decided to help me hold the bottle. He's getting pretty darn coordinated.

There was a lot of noise and commotion with bright lights and traffic and he was great through the whole thing. What a champ!

Loves to Eat His Toys

He's got gripping things down pat and now he's working on eating his toys.


Oct 20, 2011

Tummy Time with Toys

Grant is sleeping on his side now, so muscle building tummy time is even more important.  Mariana captured some great shots of Grant enjoying tummy time with his new toy gifts.  Thanks for the great stuff!  It's a hit with Grant and makes his tummy time so much more fun.